

Mindfulness and Abstraction Design

1 minute read

Formalism and Awareness Skill building helps us focus our awareness. Formalism is an incredible scalpel for sharpening thought. It forces us to be really pr...

Why Doing Research Is Like Playing Jazz

2 minute read

This post is from November 26, 2021. I have lightly edited it and published it now, because the ideas are still on my mind. I played jazz trumpet from ele...

HCI Is the Bottleneck

2 minute read

HCI Is the Bottleneck in a World with Strong AI As model capabilities advance, we are rapidly gaining the ability to generate images, videos, and audio from...

On Blogging. On Creating

4 minute read

Purpose: This is a pep talk document. If you’re ever on the fence about writing a post. Return to this place. The only way to fail is not to finish writi...

Flapjax Revisited

6 minute read

Reactive programming for UI applications has been studied for a long time. But while the academic literature has focused mostly on functional reactive progra...

Searching for My Next Scenius

4 minute read

The notion of ikigai as criteria for leading a rich and fulfilling life is very popular these days. But I think it’s missing one crucial element: communit...

What Does Orthogonality Mean in PL Design?

7 minute read

Summary Orthogonality is a pervasive, but tacit, design principle in the PL community. Orthogonal design concepts are ones that don't intersect. A consequen...

Humans Are Not Turing Machines

6 minute read

One criticism of current LLMs is that they can’t reliably do sophisticated math or logic problems out of the box that humans seem to be capable of. In essenc...

If You Give a Dev a DAG

5 minute read

To increase the expressiveness of your API, let users write arbitrary programs. If You Give a Dev a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)… (left) neural network ...

Formality Considered Harmful

6 minute read

“Formality Considered Harmful”: A Paper I Love There are some papers that stick in my mind. These are good papers. But there are some papers that when I tel...

Writing a Research Paper: A Meta-Guide

6 minute read

These notes are a work in progress! Writing is not something that has come easily to me. Through middle and high school I routinely would not complete essay...

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1 minute read

Hide it in a box. Tape it shut. All the duct tape in the world will do. Don’t feel. Feeling is an avalanche. Too much. Best not to feel. When I’m in my littl...

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