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What Does Orthogonality Mean in PL Design?

7 minute read

Summary Orthogonality is a pervasive, but tacit, design principle in the PL community. Orthogonal design concepts are ones that don't intersect. A consequen...

Humans Are Not Turing Machines

6 minute read

One criticism of current LLMs is that they can’t reliably do sophisticated math or logic problems out of the box that humans seem to be capable of. In essenc...

If You Give a Dev a DAG

5 minute read

To increase the expressiveness of your API, let users write arbitrary programs. If You Give a Dev a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)… (left) neural network ...

Formality Considered Harmful

6 minute read

“Formality Considered Harmful”: A Paper I Love There are some papers that stick in my mind. These are good papers. But there are some papers that when I tel...